
SEPTEMBER 2010: One of the most influential people in the intactivist movement, Amber Craig, Director of NOCIRC North Carolina, has spent the last two decades educating people about the risks and harms of circumcision.

The proud mother of four beautiful children and a licensed speech therapist, Amber was involved in the creation of Intact America, and she serves on the organization’s Steering Committee.

At the impressionable age of 11, Amber was shocked when she learned about circumcision. It was clear to her from the beginning that it is simply wrong to cut a body part of a healthy, normal child. Amber was equally horrified 15 years later when she became pregnant with a boy and was asked by medical professionals if she wanted her son circumcised. From that day on, Amber has been committed to ending the practice of infant circumcision in this country. In addition to leading NOCIRC of North Carolina, Amber has been active in the Medicaid defunding project—focused on eliminating the use of taxpayer dollars to circumcise baby boys. She has also written several articles countering the current hysteria claiming circumcision prevents HIV/AIDS.

Amber is one of Intact America’s most vocal champions. “Intact America is making great strides in getting people to think about this issue,” she said. “One of the things I’m focusing on now is getting people to become monthly donors, as part of Intact America’s Sustainer program. There is still so much work to be done to save our babies.”

“Amber Craig has awesome energy, intellect and commitment,” says Georganne Chapin, Intact America’s Executive Director. “She understands the importance of working at all levels—among parents, policymakers, legislators, and the medical community—to end the mindless practice of infant circumcision. She also knows that stable funding is key, if Intact America is to continue to get our message out, and that’s why she contributes monthly to the organization. People like Amber are the inspiration and the backbone of the intactivist movement.”

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