Intactivism 101: An Anti-Circumcision Guide for Foreskin Activism

Intactivism 101: An Anti-Circumcision Guide for Foreskin Activism

Driven by a fervent commitment to bodily autonomy and human rights, pioneers of the movement to end circumcision coined the dynamic terms “intactivist” and ‘intactivism” to describe the actions and mobilization of those who advocate for the preservation of the male foreskin and oppose the practice of medically unnecessary circumcision. This article presents practical ways to engage in foreskin activism, which champions the rights of every individual to bodily autonomy and a common-sense approach to welcoming baby boys into the world as we welcome baby girls—as nature made them.

What is Intactivism?

The terms ”intactivism” and “intactivist”—a powerful blend of “intact” and “activism/activist”—represent a vibrant social movement and its participants who advocate for preserving the natural state of the human body, specifically concerning male circumcision. Originating as a direct response to the widespread practice of medically unnecessary routine infant circumcision, the goal of intactivism and intactivists was to shed light on the health risks associated with the removal of the foreskin from baby boys’ penises and the benefits of retaining the foreskin. Research by the pioneers of this movement into the history and reasons for this pervasive practice in the United States revealed that the supposed health benefits of circumcision were based on medical myths and cultural conditioning outside of religious tradition and ritual as opposed to any reasonable scientific or medical basis. As information was available and knowledge was accumulated, the core of intactivism embraced the fundamental right to bodily autonomy. By challenging societal norms and fostering critical dialogue, intactivism seeks to ignite a transformative shift in public perception and discourse surrounding circumcision to spare male babies, children, and adults the physical, psychological, and emotional trauma associated with medically unnecessary surgery on a sensitive sexual organ. 

Intactivists and Arguments Against Circumcision

Arguments against circumcision may have started with the fact that it is medically unnecessary. Once that issue was proven (as a uniquely American fallacy) and information was available for dissemination on websites, videos, interviews with intactivists, and re-educating medical and health personnel through the NOCIRC (National Organization of Circumcision Research Centers) sponsored symposia all over the world, the ethical and human rights issue gained attention. Removing a natural functional body part (the foreskin) from an organ as sensitive as a baby’s penis brings up a wide range of concerns.  Intactivists working to end circumcision represent the interests of non-consenting infants, who are unable to voice their decision on removing a body part (other than through their screams of pain and apparent emotional trauma) and cannot provide informed consent.  The intactivism movement believes that the decision to circumcise a baby or child should be deferred until individuals are of an age where they can make choices about their own bodies based on the short- and long-term consequences of circumcision.

Intactivist Strategies and Initiatives

Intactivists employ a range of strategies and initiatives to raise awareness and advocate for the importance of genital integrity and informed consent. Through public protests, the distribution of educational materials, and outreach programs, they tirelessly educate parents and healthcare providers about the potential risks and ethical considerations surrounding circumcision. 

Marilyn Milos, in Please Don’t Cut the Baby!, which chronicles the growth of the movement from the 1970s to today, writes about several early efforts to end circumcision that raised awareness in both the health community and the public. Notably, the “Bloodstained Men” movement utilized striking visuals and street theater to capture attention and ignite discussions on the ethical implications of circumcision. The men would appear at demonstrations in white outfits with red paint on the crotch, symbolizing the bloody wound of circumcision. Another robust response to ending circumcision was when a group of nurses at St. Vincent Hospital in Santa Fe refused to participate in infant circumcisions, declaring themselves conscientious objectors—a brave move considering they could have all lost their jobs, as Marilyn did when she began to educate parents at Marin General Hospital. 

Marilyn points out that the most straightforward thing anyone can do to end circumcision is to spread evidence-based information about both the risks of circumcision and the human rights violations of a child’s body.

“Those who market anything and everything know that consumers trust personal recommendations above all other sources of information.”

Word-of-mouth can make a tremendous difference to individuals on the fence or simply clueless about circumcision. 

However, the advent of social media and online communities has played a pivotal role in amplifying intactivist voices, facilitating the sharing of information, stories, and resources, and connecting like-minded individuals who share concerns. These digital platforms, like intactamerica.com, have become epicenters for constructive dialogue on the issues surrounding circumcision.

Chapin and Milos memoirs

Intact America’s latest intactivism outreach campaign, Skin in the Game (skininthegame.org) features images of people of every race, ethnicity, sex, and body type who share their interest in the topic of circumcision and how the practice of circumcision has affected them. What it shows is that circumcision cuts through all of us. It has both short-term and long-term physical, psychological, and emotional consequences for male infants, children, and adults. But it also affects relationships and family dynamics. A wife or partner may not understand the sexual repercussions of a circumcision gone wrong. Children may be angry at their parents for allowing them to be circumcised. Parents may feel guilty about a decision made before they are fully informed.   

Intact America Founding Executive Director Georganne Chapin reveals in the epilogue to her book This Penis Business that the intactivist organization, in tandem with the group Doctors Opposing Circumcision, is “on the cusp of signing off on a custom-developed consumer-facing electronic system called DoNoHarm.report” that will be launched state by state in 2024. The program will consist of standardized forms that collect complaints from parents and others who were pressured by doctors or hospital personnel to circumcise their sons, who experienced any aspect of circumcision complications, or who have been victims of forcible foreskin retraction, a common issue that both parents and medical personnel misunderstand. With this information, doctors and medical organizations can no longer claim they have not heard of any complaints about circumcision or have no access to records of complaints.

How to Get Involved in Intactivism

Anyone can become an intactivist in word and deed by recognizing that boys, like girls, are born perfect and that the foreskin is a functional body part with thousands of nerve endings that serve no one but the medical industry when they are amputated. 

  • Inform yourself and educate others by visiting intactamerica.org regularly (and supporting it with donations if possible) and other intactivist organizations, googling podcasts and listening to interviews on the subject, reviewing articles and videos, and asking questions and requiring answers.
  • Hold healthcare providers at all levels accountable for providing you with information about circumcision. Do not rely on any one medical organization to do so, as they represent stakeholders in promoting circumcision because doctors and hospitals are paid for each circumcision they perform.
  • Lobby lawmakers to make legal changes that support the rights of a child to genital autonomy and bodily integrity. If you can’t do that, support those doing so by publicizing their efforts through word-of-mouth or social media platforms.
  • Initiate or participate in community events like Pride celebrations that highlight circumcision education and promote intactivism.
  • Speak out about your own or your family’s experiences with circumcision complications.
  • Buy or borrow the memoirs This Penis Business by Georganne Chapin and Please Don’t Cut the Baby! by Marilyn Milos, or listen to the audio versions of the books.

We outline practical steps for those interested in becoming intactivists and emphasize the significance of education, advocacy, and outreach. By responding to common counterarguments, intactivists seek to foster constructive dialogue and present evidence-based perspectives. Intactivism thrives through diverse strategies and initiatives, often aided by social media and online communities. As we conclude, we reiterate the paramount importance of informed decision-making, respect for bodily autonomy, and the ongoing dialogue surrounding circumcision and foreskin activism. We encourage readers to explore this critical subject further, engage in open conversations, and contribute to the broader discussion on the rights and choices surrounding circumcision.  Engaging in respectful discussions and presenting evidence-based counterpoints allows for a comprehensive exploration of the topic, ultimately promoting informed decision-making and emphasizing the significance of consent in matters of personal health.

7 Ways Circumcision Injuries and Traumas Are Underreported

7 Ways Circumcision Injuries and Traumas Are Underreported

Injuries, trauma, and other complications of infant circumcision in the U.S. are so underreported that even health professionals don’t know the extent of this issue.  If health professionals don’t know the considerable risks of this common surgery, how can they convey that information to expectant parents? This article highlights the factors contributing to this significant yet overlooked issue.

Reasons Circumcision Injuries and Traumas Are Underreported

Marilyn Milos notes in her memoir Please Don’t Cut the Baby! (2023, Lucid House Publishing) that the September 2012 American Academy of Pediatrics Task Force on Circumcision report was unable to state that the risks of circumcision outweighed the benefits because “there are no accurate statistics on risks.” When one of the Task Force members was asked how the group could determine whether the benefits outweighed the risks without his information, the individual said they just “felt” the benefits outweighed the risks. 

Similarly, Georganne Chapin writes in This Penis Business (2023 Lucid House Publishing):

“I became increasingly incensed at its sheer duplicity. Purporting to review and honestly present the facts, AAP turned a blind eye to serious circumcision injuries and even deaths among American babies. In the section titled Major Complications, the Task Force admits to having excluded “severe and catastrophic injuries,” including ‘glans or penile amputation, the transmission of herpes simplex after mouth-to-penis contact by…Jewish ritual circumcisers…methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus infection, urethral cutaneous fistula, glans ischemia, and death, because they are so infrequent as to be reported as case reports.”

This is unacceptable reasoning in 2024, and Intact America challenges the medical and health community’s scientific task forces and grant-supported studies to do better in reporting and determining the risks of circumcision so parents can make an informed decision regarding whether to circumcise their baby boy.

1) Lack of Standardized Reporting Protocols

Fact: A major challenge in accurately documenting circumcision injuries stems from the absence of standardized reporting protocols. There is a notable lack of consistency in documenting or acknowledging complications across medical practices. Without a standardized system in place, many circumcision-related injuries go unrecorded and unnoticed in medical records and statistical analyses.

Remedy: Parents and others who are concerned can undoubtedly ask, in good faith, to be referred to studies or articles on circumcision-related injuries to make an informed decision. Consider it a red flag If your physician cannot provide that information.

2) Cultural and Social Factors

Fact: Cultural norms and social pressures contribute to the underreporting of circumcision injuries. Many societies consider discussing problems associated with circumcision taboo, and acknowledging its complications can be viewed as a challenge to deeply rooted traditions or religious practices. This societal silence frequently hinders individuals from speaking out or seeking help.

Remedy: Break the societal, religious, and generational taboo on speaking about circumcision. Ask questions and expect answers. Then, discuss what you find out.

3) Misdiagnosis or Underdiagnosis

Fact: Misdiagnosis or underdiagnosis adds to the underreporting of circumcision injuries. Often, these injuries may be misinterpreted as other medical conditions, leading to inappropriate or delayed treatment. This issue is compounded by a lack of awareness or specific training among medical professionals regarding the potential complications and proper diagnosis of circumcision-related injuries. The situation is further exacerbated when healthcare providers fail to recognize the signs of these injuries due to insufficient experience or the subtlety of symptoms. Consequently, the true prevalence of circumcision injuries might be severely underreported, as many cases are either not correctly identified or not reported at all. This underdiagnosis affects the patient’s immediate care and limits understanding of the risks associated with the procedure, potentially influencing informed consent and public health policies.

Remedy: Since it is up to expectant parents and others who are interested in fully informing themselves of the issues surrounding circumcision, using Google and other online resources must be part of their due diligence in tracking down potential circumcision-related injuries. The question to ask in every questionable case is:

“Would this child have suffered this injury or trauma if he had not been circumcised?”

4) Reluctance to Seek Medical Help

Fact: Reluctance to seek medical help is another critical factor contributing to the underreporting of circumcision injuries. Parents or guardians, often the primary decision-makers for seeking medical attention for their children, may hesitate to approach healthcare professionals when complications arise post-circumcision. This hesitation can stem from fear of judgment or criticism from medical staff or the broader community, particularly in cultures or communities where circumcision is a widely accepted practice. Additionally, feelings of guilt or responsibility for consenting to the procedure can deter parents from seeking necessary medical intervention. This reluctance is often compounded by a lack of knowledge about the potential complications of circumcision and the ordinary postoperative course, leading to uncertainty about when it is appropriate to seek medical advice. As a result, many circumcision injuries may go unreported and untreated, contributing to an underestimation of the risks and prevalence of complications associated with the procedure.

Remedy: Discuss potential complications with your healthcare provider before making a circumcision decision. If all you are given is reassurance rather than information, consider it a red flag and move on to a more concerned and involved physician.

5) Insufficient Training and Education Among Healthcare Providers

Fact: Insufficient training and education among healthcare providers also contributes to the underreporting of circumcision injuries. Many healthcare practitioners may lack comprehensive training in performing circumcisions and managing post-operative care, leading to unrecognized or improperly managed complications. Without a deep understanding of the potential risks and signs of post-operative issues, healthcare providers might miss early symptoms of complications, resulting in delayed diagnosis and treatment. Additionally, this lack of specialized training can hinder the effective communication of possible risks and outcomes to parents or guardians, impacting their decision-making process. Consequently, injuries or complications arising from circumcisions can go unnoticed or be inadequately addressed, perpetuating the broader issue of underreporting and a diminished understanding of the procedure’s safety profile.

Remedy: Be sure you know who will be doing the circumcision if you decide on the surgery. What is their status and training? Ask how many circumcisions your healthcare provider has performed. Ideally, avoid circumcision entirely. 

6) Delayed Onset of Complications

Fact: Some injuries or traumas resulting from circumcision may not become apparent immediately after the procedure, leading to a decreased likelihood of being linked to the circumcision itself. This delay can range from days to weeks, and sometimes even longer. Consequently, healthcare providers, parents, or guardians may not readily connect them back to the circumcision when symptoms eventually appear. This lack of immediate association can lead to a failure to report these issues as circumcision-related complications.

Furthermore, this delayed onset can lead to complications being misattributed to other causes or conditions, further obscuring the connection to the original procedure. As a result, the incidence of circumcision-related injuries might be significantly underreported, as the delayed nature of some complications masks their true origin and frequency. This delay in the manifestation of symptoms complicates the monitoring and evaluation of circumcision safety and risk profiles.

Remedy: No matter how much time has passed between a circumcision and a physical or mental complication of one’s own body or your child’s, remember to list circumcision as a surgery when you are asked by health personnel for a history.

7) Impact of Minor Injuries Being Overlooked

Fact: Often, injuries that initially seem minor may not be reported or are disregarded by healthcare providers or parents as everyday post-operative occurrences. This disregard can result from a lack of understanding of the potential long-term consequences of these “minor” complications. For example, small cuts, excessive bleeding, or slight infections might appear inconsequential initially but can lead to more severe health issues if not adequately addressed. Such complications can have lasting impacts on the child’s health and well-being. The dismissal of these minor injuries not only prevents appropriate and timely medical intervention but also distorts the perceived safety and risk profile of circumcision. As a result, the full spectrum of risks associated with the procedure remains under-documented, leading to a gap in the collective medical understanding and public awareness of circumcision complications.

Remedy: Report all variations in what is listed as normal in your post-operative instructions regarding circumcision or any symptoms, even seemingly unrelated, that make you uncomfortable or don’t understand.

Final Notes About Why Circumcision Injuries and Traumas Are Underreported

The pervasive underreporting of circumcision injuries and traumas is a critical issue. Factors such as misdiagnosis, reluctance to seek medical attention, lack of adequate training among healthcare providers, delayed onset of complications, and trivialization of minor injuries exacerbate this problem. These factors contribute to a concerning lack of understanding about the full range of risks inherent in circumcision.

Raising awareness among healthcare providers and parents about the potential complications of circumcision and questioning the necessity of this procedure is imperative. Additionally, creating an environment that encourages open discussion and eliminates the stigma around seeking medical help for circumcision complications is crucial. Acknowledging even minor injuries as significant and understanding their potential long-term consequences is essential to advocating for the safety and well-being of infants and children.

Confronting these issues requires a unified effort from the medical community, parents, and caregivers to foster a more comprehensive and truthful understanding of the risks associated with circumcision. As part of this effort, we must question the routine practice of circumcision and consider the rights of the child to bodily integrity. Let us join together to advocate for informed choices and to put an end to routine infant circumcision.

Keeping Your Son’s Penis Intact: A Guide for Parents

Keeping Your Son’s Penis Intact: A Guide for Parents

Discussions of whether or not to keep your son’s penis intact have been gaining increasing momentum. With the intactivist movement calling for a comprehensive understanding of the dangers and consequences of circumcision, what was once regarded as a customary minor medical procedure has become controversial, with passionate discussions about the physical, emotional, psychological, and ethical issues surrounding the practice. Intact America can provide a forum for you to learn about how to protect your son’s right to bodily autonomy and keep him intact and natural. 

Medical Perspective on Circumcision

In recent years, the medical perspective on circumcision has undergone a remarkable transformation. Once touted for its purported health benefits, now debunked, challenges to the efficacy of circumcision have caused medical experts to offer a more nuanced view. The American Academy of Pediatrics, for example, no longer promotes this unnecessary surgery on infants as a given, handing over the responsibility of the decision to parents. However, there is still a lack of focus on the importance of carefully weighing the risks and ethical considerations of circumcision. It is essential to recognize the extreme dangers and complications that accompany any surgical procedure as opposed to buying into the social, cultural, and medical conditioning that has convinced the public that this elective surgery is essential.

Moreover, the impact of circumcision on sexual sensitivity and function later in life has become a focal point of contemporary discussions. As parents navigate this decision, it is crucial to understand the evolving medical landscape, which now emphasizes individual choice and comprehensive, informed consent. Since comprehensive information is not always available in your doctor’s office before birth and consent forms provided by hospitals vary in the information given to parents, it is essential to inform yourself. Intact America’s goal is to ensure that parents are empowered to make informed decisions for their sons while advocating for awareness and understanding within our society.

Psychological and Ethical Considerations of Circumcision

As individuals who were circumcised as infants grow older and become more aware of the procedure, they may grapple with complex emotions. The alteration of one’s body without personal consent can sometimes evoke feelings of violation, loss, or resentment. These emotional aspects highlight the need for parents to engage in open and empathetic discussions with their children about choices regarding their bodies. As Marilyn Milos pointed out in her memoir Please Don’t Cut the Baby!What I learned from the men who shared their experiences with me was that every man who has a scar on his penis also has a scar on his psyche.” 

The ethical debate surrounding circumcision centers on the concept of informed consent. Infants cannot provide informed consent for medical procedures, raising ethical concerns about performing circumcision on those unable to express their preferences. This ethical dilemma has sparked discussions about whether circumcision should be postponed until individuals can make informed decisions about their bodies, which gives parents and our society the right to make irreversible choices for children before they can fully comprehend the full spectrum of implications for their bodies. Thus, the ethical considerations surrounding circumcision emphasize the importance of respecting bodily autonomy and making decisions that prioritize an individual’s right to self-determination.

Caring for an Intact Penis

Caring for an intact penis is a straightforward and essential aspect of maintaining good genital health. Unlike circumcision, which may involve specific post-operative care, an intact penis requires no special maintenance during infancy or childhood. The primary rule for basic hygiene is to gently clean the external area of the penis, known as the glans, with warm water and mild soap during a child’s bath. There is no need to retract the foreskin forcefully, as it naturally separates from the glans over time. Forcing retraction can cause pain, injury, and potential scarring. As children mature, they can be taught to retract and clean under the foreskin themselves once it separates naturally, typically by adolescence. This simple hygiene routine helps prevent irritation and infection while maintaining the penis’s natural function.

It’s important to address common misconceptions and myths surrounding intact penises. One prevalent misconception is that an intact penis is inherently less hygienic than a circumcised one. In reality, proper hygiene for an intact penis is easy to achieve with regular washing, and there is no increased risk of infection or odor. Another myth is that circumcision is necessary to prevent certain medical conditions, like urinary tract infections. Medical organizations, however, stress that these risks are relatively low and can be mitigated with good hygiene practices. Understanding these misconceptions is crucial for parents and individuals alike to make an informed decision regarding the care of intact penises.

Legal and Human Rights Perspective on Circumcision

The legal status of circumcision varies significantly across countries. While some nations have stringent laws governing circumcision, others prioritize individual choice. In certain countries, circumcision is performed for medical or religious reasons, while in others, it is subject to specific circumstances or parental consent. As awareness grows about bodily autonomy and informed decision-making, many countries are moving towards stricter regulations on non-consensual circumcision. This shift reflects a deeper understanding of and respect for individual rights. Advocates are working tirelessly to raise awareness and promote informed choices regarding circumcision. The legal landscape surrounding circumcision is complex, and it is important to stay informed about the various cultural, medical, and legal aspects involved. 

While some individuals have taken legal action against hospitals, healthcare providers, or individuals involved in circumcisions, the outcomes have been mixed. Here are a few notable cases:

  • David J. Llewellyn v. Greater Baltimore Medical Center: In 2006, a Maryland man filed a lawsuit against the Greater Baltimore Medical Center and a doctor for circumcising him as a baby without his parents’ consent. The case alleged that the circumcision was performed negligently, and the plaintiff sought damages. The lawsuit was initially dismissed, but the Maryland Court of Special Appeals later revived it. Ultimately, the case settled out of court in 2012, with the terms remaining confidential.
  • Doctor Accused of Wrongful Circumcision in Florida: In 2018, a Florida family sued a doctor and his practice for performing a circumcision on their son without proper consent. The family alleged negligence and emotional distress. The case resulted in a confidential settlement.
  • Maimonides Medical Center Circumcision Controversy: In 2013, a controversy arose at Maimonides Medical Center in New York when it was revealed that some infants had contracted herpes following circumcisions. The practice involved a specific form of Jewish ritual circumcision called metzitzah b’peh. This led to a public health debate and discussions about regulating the practice more closely, but it did not result in a legal case.

From a human rights standpoint, the circumcision of infants and children brings forth significant ethical considerations. Human rights organizations strongly emphasize the principle of bodily autonomy, asserting that individuals should have the right to decide about their bodies when they can give informed consent. This perspective calls into question the practice of circumcising infants who are unable to provide such consent and brings attention to the ethical concerns surrounding the procedure. While we value and respect cultural and religious traditions, it is important to strike a balance with an individual’s fundamental human rights, including the right to choose what happens to their own body. 

Birth Plan Checklist (Specify “Do Not Circumcise”)

Medical professionals undoubtedly have a critical role in childbirth, but it is equally important for parents to actively engage in discussions about circumcision and assert their preferences directly. Relying solely on trust in healthcare providers can sometimes lead to misunderstandings or assumptions. Open and respectful communication is the key to ensuring that the medical team acknowledges the parents’ decision not to circumcise their child. This dialogue also presents an opportunity to address any queries or concerns, fostering a collaborative and well-informed approach to care.

When crafting a birth plan, expecting parents have a unique opportunity to express their preferences and desires for their child’s birth and care. For those who opt not to proceed with circumcision, it is crucial to explicitly state “Do Not Circumcise” in the birth plan. This direct and unequivocal communication with healthcare providers ensures that the medical team fully documents and comprehends the decision. A meticulously structured birth plan empowers parents to be staunch advocates for their child’s rights and choices right from the moment of birth, underscoring their unwavering commitment to upholding the child’s bodily autonomy.

Key Authority Figures and Forces Pressuring Circumcision

Navigating the social and cultural pressures surrounding the decision of circumcision can pose a significant challenge for parents. In specific communities or cultural traditions, circumcision is profoundly ingrained and regarded as a rite of passage or cultural norm. These expectations can exert considerable pressure on parents to conform to established practices. However, parents must remember that their decisions must prioritize the well-being and autonomy of their child. It is perfectly acceptable for parents to make choices that align with their values, beliefs, and desire to keep their son intact, above all else.

Having effective strategies for engaging in conversations about the circumcision decision is crucial for maintaining open and respectful dialogue with family members, friends, and healthcare providers. Providing educational resources and credible information can help dispel misconceptions and foster informed discussions. Encouraging open communication with healthcare providers is also paramount, including giving them a copy of your birthing preferences, such as clearly stating that your son will remain intact. Ultimately, navigating social and cultural pressures requires balancing respecting tradition and making decisions that prioritize the child’s best interests.

Key authority figures and forces that may exert pressure or influence regarding circumcision include:

Medical Professionals:

  • Pediatricians: Pediatricians often provide information about circumcision and may recommend it based on their medical expertise.
  • Obstetricians: Obstetricians may discuss circumcision options with parents during pregnancy or childbirth.

Religious Leaders:

  • Rabbis: In Jewish communities, rabbis play a central role in promoting and performing circumcision (bris or brit milah) on male infants as a religious covenant.
  • Imams: In Islamic traditions, imams or religious leaders may advocate for male circumcision as a religious practice (sunnah).

Family and Cultural Expectations:

  • Grandparents: Older generations within a family may strongly advocate for circumcision based on cultural or traditional beliefs.
  • Cultural Norms: Communities with deep-rooted circumcision traditions may place significant cultural pressure on parents to conform.

Peer Influence:

  • Friends and Relatives: Circumcision choices made by friends or relatives who have circumcised their sons can influence parental decisions.

Circumcision Misconceptions:

  • Health Benefits Misconceptions: Parents may be influenced by misconceptions about circumcision, such as the belief that it reduces the risk of certain diseases or infections.

Medical Institutions:

  • Hospital Policies: Some hospitals may have policies that present circumcision as a routine procedure, potentially influencing parental decisions.

Media and Information Sources:

  • Internet and Social Media: Online sources and social media platforms can disseminate information and opinions about circumcision, impacting parents’ perceptions.

Protecting Your Son from Circumcision 

To protect your son from such pressures, prioritize open and respectful communication. Engage in sincere conversations with your family, expressing your reasons for choosing not to opt for circumcision and seeking their understanding and support. Education plays a crucial role in this regard; provide them with reliable information about the pros and cons of circumcision, emphasizing your unwavering dedication to your child’s well-being and autonomy.

When faced with cultural or religious pressures, seek guidance from community leaders or members who share your perspective or advocate for individual choice. You can connect with like-minded individuals facing similar pressures by joining support groups or organizations championing bodily autonomy. Lastly, ensure that your healthcare provider is fully aware of your decision by explicitly stating it in your birth plan and discussing it during prenatal visits. Choose a provider who respects your choices and prioritizes informed consent, and be prepared to seek a second opinion if necessary. Ultimately, protecting your son from circumcision pressure requires the establishment of a robust support system, staying well-informed, and advocating for your child’s rights and choices.

Parenthood is a remarkable journey filled with choices that shape your child’s well-being and autonomy. When it comes to circumcision, it’s a deeply personal decision that requires thoughtful consideration. Remember that you can prioritize your child’s welfare despite cultural, medical, and societal pressures.

Seek knowledge, engage in open dialogue, and advocate for your child’s rights. The discourse around circumcision highlights the importance of individual choice, informed consent, and respecting bodily autonomy. By staying informed and standing up for your beliefs, you can protect your son and keep his body whole and his penis in its natural state. 

To learn more and join the conversation for change, explore the resources provided by Intact America, an organization dedicated to protecting children’s rights to make decisions about their bodies.

Foreskins and Forefathers: A Constitutional Case Against Circumcision

Foreskins and Forefathers: A Constitutional Case Against Circumcision

In Western democracies, circumcision stands at the crossroads of tradition, misinformation, and human rights, bringing forth pressing ethical dilemmas. As we peel back the layers of this painful practice, we are compelled to confront a profound question: Does circumcision, mainly when performed on those unable to provide informed consent, stand in contravention of our constitutional rights? This article seeks to probe deeper into the constitutional veracity of a practice that, to this day, is still heavily pushed by the medical establishment, societal and cultural pressures, and other medical institutions. 

A Constitutional Case Against Circumcision

Exploring the intricacies of the circumcision debate, this article delves into the constitutional concerns surrounding the practice. Sitting at the intersection of personal liberty, child rights, and medical ethics, we need a renewed dialogue on this age-old tradition based on modern legal frameworks.

The Medical Debate: Necessity vs. Ethics

At the heart of the circumcision discussion lies a contentious medical debate over the benefits of circumcision. But the claims of the pro-circumcision crowd, which includes many in the health field, have been debunked by modern science. Proponents of circumcision frequently cite supposed health benefits that include reduced risks of urinary tract infections, sexually transmitted infections, and penile cancer. These claims have been proven to be wholly untrue

Conversely, intactivists and organizations like ours raise concerns about the vastly underreported circumcision risks and consequences, ranging from infections and pain to more severe implications like hemorrhage, tissue damage, loss of function, decreased sensitivity, partial or complete amputation, and, in rare cases, death, nullifying the supposed advantages.

But beyond the tug-of-war on its medical merits, the practice raises profound ethical dilemmas. The most prominent revolves around consent and the right to bodily autonomy. Infants subjected to circumcision are incapable of providing informed consent for a procedure that permanently alters a part of their body. Without a pressing and immediate medical reason, making such an irreversible decision for another person encroaches upon their constitutional right to personal autonomy and self-determination.

Constitutional Rights and Bodily Integrity

The U.S. Constitution, while not explicitly detailing every right, is grounded in protecting certain inalienable liberties. Among these is the Fourteenth Amendment’s protection of personal liberty, which the courts have repeatedly interpreted to encompass a range of personal choices and bodily decisions. A cornerstone of this liberty is the concept of bodily integrity—the right of individuals to exercise control over their bodies without interference from the state.

Bodily integrity is seen as a fundamental extension of our constitutional rights, emphasizing the importance of personal autonomy and self-determination. The principle suggests that barring compelling interests, the state should not have the authority to force, prohibit, or dictate actions that intimately and irreversibly affect an individual’s body.

The U.S. legal system has set several precedents to emphasize the importance of bodily integrity. For instance, this principle is rooted in the right to refuse medical treatment, even life-saving treatment. In another context, the landmark case of Roe v. Wade underscored a woman’s right to decide about her body. While these cases don’t specifically address circumcision, they bolster the overarching theme of bodily autonomy protected under the Constitution.

In addition, 41 states have criminalized Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), which refers to the partial or total removal of external female genitalia or other injury to the female genital organs. This also sets a precedent for protecting boys from Male Genital Mutilation (MGM), any permanent modification of the external genitalia, i.e., the surgical removal of the foreskin, a normal body part with several beneficial functions.  

As Marilyn Milos points out in her book Please Don’t Cut the Baby!:

“Even though no bills protecting the bodily integrity and genital autonomy right of male minors have been passed, our Constitution, state laws, and several international documents, including the UN Declaration on Human Rights and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child make it clear that every person has a right to safety of their person.”

Given these legal touchstones, non-consensual circumcision is an infringement upon the child’s constitutional right to bodily integrity. Therefore, the practice raises fundamental questions about the limits of parental decision-making and the state’s role in safeguarding individual rights from birth.

The European Perspective

“Circumcision rates in Europe are generally much lower than in the United States, often below 20%. For example, in the UK, the circumcision rate is estimated to be about 8.5%.” — British Medical Journal

Europe has been at the forefront of many legal challenges concerning circumcision, especially in the context of non-medical, ritualistic procedures on minors. While the practice spans various cultures and religions, its intersection with European human rights law offers a window into the issue’s evolving legal and ethical stances.

Many European countries have ratified the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), which, among other rights, protects the right to respect for private and family life (Article 8). Several cases challenging circumcision have been brought forth, arguing that the procedure, when performed on minors, infringes on this right. Moreover, the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union underscores the principle of the child’s best interests. Intactivists and opponents of circumcision argue that the non-consensual removal of a part of a child’s body, especially in the absence of immediate medical need, conflicts with this principle.

Germany notably grappled with this issue in 2012, when a regional court in Cologne ruled that circumcising young boys on religious grounds amounted to grievous bodily harm. This decision momentarily made the procedure illegal. Though the ruling was later superseded by national legislation specifically allowing religious circumcision, the case sparked intense debates about children’s rights, religious freedoms, and national sovereignty.

In contrast, Nordic countries like Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden have been more consistent in advocating for strict regulations or outright bans on non-medical circumcision of minors. Their arguments often hinge on human rights perspectives and concerns about the child’s well-being.

The European trajectory on this issue suggests a growing discomfort with non-consensual, non-medical circumcision of minors. As these challenges play out in European courts, they set a precedent and offer legal and moral arguments that reverberate far beyond the continent’s borders.

Conclusion: Protecting Rights and Fostering Dialogue

As societies evolve and our understanding of rights and ethics deepens, it becomes imperative to approach age-old practices with a fresh, multidimensional lens. The debate surrounding circumcision now finds itself at the crossroads of constitutional rights, mainly when it concerns the vulnerable—our children. Their rights and protection should be at the forefront of this conversation. Our hope—and one of the things we fight for—is informed consent. We envision a future where the voiceless are no longer subjected to this barbaric, irreversible surgery.

The 4 Authority Figures and Groups Who Will Pressure You to Circumcise (and What You Can Do)

The 4 Authority Figures and Groups Who Will Pressure You to Circumcise (and What You Can Do)

For centuries, the act of circumcision has been woven into the fabric of various cultures as a rite of passage, a religious edict, or a perceived medical necessity. Suppose you take a closer look at its history. In that case, it becomes evident that this practice, which involves the surgical removal of the foreskin from the male penis, has evolved in its justifications over time. Yet, as with many age-old customs, we are starting to witness this practice challenged on a larger scale. Today, more than ever, the debate around circumcision is not merely about its historical significance but also about the influential figures and authorities who fervently advocate for it. This article will explore the voices behind the push for circumcision and how to combat them to keep your child intact. 

Authority Figures and Groups That Will Pressure You to Circumcise

1) Medical Professionals

Historically, the medical community has been a significant proponent of circumcision. For many decades, medical professionals in various parts of the world, but especially in the United States, have recommended circumcision, emphasizing a blend of historical precedence and alleged health benefits. Traditionally, these perceived advantages ranged from hygienic reasons to preventing various infections and diseases.

Yet, underlying these medical endorsements, there are roots in historical and cultural biases. In the 19th century, for instance, circumcision was recommended as a preventative measure against masturbation, which was wrongly believed to lead to a long list of physical and psychological ailments. Over time, as this belief was debunked, the medical community shifted its focus to other potential benefits, such as a reduced risk of urinary tract infections, penile cancer, and the transmission of certain sexually transmitted infections, including HIV.

These claims have been almost entirely disproven, and any risk has been revealed as statistically insignificant. Numerous studies have shown that, with proper hygiene and safe sexual practices, the medical benefits of circumcision do not outweigh the risks. Moreover, the ethical concerns associated with performing a non-consensual procedure on an infant have been brought to the forefront of the debate. If you find yourself in a position where a medical professional is advocating for circumcision, it’s crucial to be informed and prepared to discuss the topic. Here are some ways to approach this conversation:

  • Seek Clarification: Politely ask the doctor to elaborate on the specific medical reasons they believe circumcision is necessary for your child. 
  • Present Counter-Evidence: If you’ve done your research, share studies or medical opinions that challenge the traditional stance on circumcision. The medical community is vast, and views on this subject vary.
  • Ask About Alternatives: If the reasoning is centered on hygiene or the prevention of infections, ask about alternative methods to achieve the same results without resorting to surgery.
  • Express Your Ethical Concerns: It’s okay to discuss the ethical implications of circumcision, emphasizing the child’s lack of consent and potential long-term consequences. This will help you be more than capable of protecting your son from circumcision.
  • Seek a Second Opinion: If you’re feeling pressured or unsure, there’s no harm in consulting another medical professional to get a broader perspective on the issue. Always be firm, and remember, you can say “no.”

2) Religious Leaders

Various religions, including Judaism and Islam, have practiced ritual circumcision for millennia. In Judaism, the “brit milah” (covenant of circumcision) is performed on the eighth day of a male infant’s life, signifying the child’s entrance into the covenant between God and the Jewish people. Similarly, in Islam, circumcision is viewed as an act of cleanliness, often linked to the Prophet Ibrahim’s (Abraham’s) covenant with God. However, there are alternatives to physical circumcision that can keep your son intact and still align with your religion. We’ve examined several of them in our article, Circumcision in The Bible if you want to learn more. 

Many religious followers are wrestling with the intersection of ancient traditions and contemporary ethical and medical considerations. If you’re among those questioning the religious imperative of circumcision within your faith community, here are some strategies to consider:

  • Educate Yourself on Religious Texts: Delve into your religious scriptures and teachings to understand the origins and significance of circumcision within your faith. Understanding the scriptural basis can provide a foundation for your conversations.
  • Seek Progressive Voices within Your Faith: Some progressive voices or subgroups might hold different views on traditional practices in many religions. Connect with such groups or individuals who offer alternative perspectives or interpretations.
  • Explore Ritual Alternatives: Some faith-based communities have started embracing symbolic ceremonies that honor the essence of the ritual without involving the physical act of circumcision. Research and propose such alternatives within your community.
  • Engage in Community Discussions: Foster an environment where members of your faith community can openly discuss the dangers and cons of circumcision, sharing personal experiences, medical evidence, and ethical considerations.

3) Family Members

The familial unit often carries its own beliefs and traditions, steeped in generations of practice and unspoken expectations. Circumcision, for many families, is one such tradition—a ritual passed down from fathers to sons, grandfathers to grandsons. 

Consequently, the decision to break away from this tradition can lead to familial tension, especially when older generations view circumcision as an unquestionable norm. Here are strategies to approach and discuss your anti-circumcision, pro-intact stance with family members:

  • Empathy First: Understand that for many older family members, circumcision is deeply intertwined with their cultural, religious, or personal beliefs. However, in the end, you have to be firm to protect your child and keep your son intact.
  • Share Personal Research: Provide well-researched information on the risks, dangers, and concerns surrounding circumcision.
  • Personalize the Discussion: Sharing your reasons and feelings can often be more effective than cold facts. Express your concerns, fears, and hopes for your child’s well-being. Help them see the issue through your eyes.
  • Find Common Ground: Establish shared values and concerns. For instance, you and your family want the best for your child. Use this as a starting point for the discussion.
  • Stay Calm and Avoid Confrontation: Heated arguments rarely lead to understanding. Even if faced with resistance, try to keep the conversation calm, respectful, and constructive.
  • Seek Support: If there are family members who share your views or are open-minded, engage them in the conversation. They can offer support and provide a different voice that resonates with the older generation.
  • Agree to Disagree: There might be instances where no amount of discussion will change deeply entrenched beliefs. In such cases, it’s essential to set boundaries respectfully and make choices that align with your convictions, even if they diverge from family traditions.

4) Mainstream Media

In the internet age, information is abundant but not consistently accurate. The topic of circumcision, too, is not immune to skewed representations, particularly in mainstream media. From movies that trivialize the procedure to news articles that selectively highlight purported “benefits” without providing a holistic view, misinformation is rife. This portrayal often serves to perpetuate the normalization of circumcision, obscuring the controversies and concerns surrounding the practice.

Here’s how to approach the media’s representation of circumcision and discern reliable information from biased narratives:

  • Recognize Stereotyping: Media, especially entertainment, often resorts to stereotypes. A circumcised penis might be presented as the “norm” or more “clean,” further perpetuating misconceptions. Recognize these instances for what they are: fictional representations and not factual endorsements.
  • Look Beyond Headlines: Sensational headlines are designed to grab attention, not to inform. Delve deeper into the article or news piece to understand the nuances of the discussed topic.
  • Diversify Your Sources: Relying on a single source or type of media can provide a narrow view of the subject. Expand your horizons by seeking information from both mainstream and alternative outlets.
  • Check for Citations: Reliable articles or news stories cite studies, experts, or research. Take the time to verify these sources independently to ensure they are credible.
  • Beware of Confirmation Bias: Media consumers often gravitate towards news and information that aligns with our beliefs. However, it’s crucial to challenge ourselves and seek diverse viewpoints to understand the topic comprehensively.
  • Educate and Share: As you gather accurate information and insights, consider sharing them within your network. Counteracting misinformation begins with informed individuals taking the lead.

The Path to Informed Decision-Making

In a world of conflicting viewpoints and powerful voices vying for your attention, it is essential to ground oneself in well-researched, unbiased knowledge, especially on topics as personal, significant, and life-changing as circumcision. Being informed provides clarity and equips parents with the tools to confidently navigate external pressures and make choices that align with their child’s values and best interests.

The advantages of being well-informed are manifold:

  • Confidence in Decision-Making: Understanding the intricacies of circumcision, its history, the dangers of circumcision, and the surgical risks of circumcision gives parents the confidence to make decisions free from external pressures or emotional manipulation.
  • Ability to Engage in Constructive Dialogue: When confronted with strong opinions, being knowledgeable allows parents to engage in productive conversations, provide counterarguments, and potentially enlighten others about their findings.
  • Emotional Preparedness: Making decisions about circumcision can be emotional. Being informed allows parents to feel a sense of peace with their choices, knowing they acted based on sound knowledge rather than fleeting emotions or pressure.
  • Protection Against Manipulation: An informed individual is less susceptible to being swayed by misleading narratives or biased information.

To learn more about how to protect your child from circumcision, take a look at Georganne Chapin’s memoir,  This Penis Business. Besides highlighting the path that led to her becoming executive director of Intact America and a leader in the intactivist movement, Chapin clarifies the commercial and historical motivations behind circumcision while highlighting its lasting physical, sexual, and psychological repercussions. Revealing shocking practices like the commercial repurposing of foreskins and the pressures placed upon expectant mothers, this book serves as a powerful wake-up call, challenging readers to question and confront the enduring impacts of the multi-billion-dollar circumcision industry.


Types of Circumcision Methods (and The Risks Each Cut Carries)

Types of Circumcision Methods (and The Risks Each Cut Carries)

Most parents do not even realize that circumcision, often referred to and minimized as a procedure, is traditionally a surgery involving a scalpel or surgical scissors that alters a fundamental aspect of an individual’s genitalia. It is an act that has both long- and short-term implications for both health and the ethics of personal autonomy.

“Even my friends were looking away nervously when I described the mechanics of a circumcision—how the doctor swabs the immobilized baby, pries his foreskin from the head of the penis with a metal probe, clamps the foreskin for several minutes to keep it from bleeding, and then cuts away between half and two-thirds of the penile skin. And during the whole thing, the baby is shrieking until he passes out in shock.”

– Georganne Chapin, author of “This Penis Business” (Lucid House Publishing, 2024)

Any circumcision carries risks of infection, hemorrhage, urinary retention, inflammation, glans amputation, glans necrosis, hematoma, excessive removal of the foreskin, adverse reaction to and the potential for meatal stenosis, chordee, skin adhesion to glans, fistula, inclusion cyst, penile rotation, trapped penis, penis amputation or disfigurement, sexual, psychological, and emotional repercussions, and death.

In this article, we will look at the types of circumcision that are done to infants, along with the consequences of this medically unnecessary surgery. Through this exploration, we hope to shed light on a practice that Intact America staunchly opposes, empowering individuals to make informed decisions about their bodies and raising essential questions about cultural norms, medical justifications, and the fundamental right to bodily autonomy.

Types of Circumcision

1) The Gomco Clamp

The Gomco Clamp method, one of the more traditional approaches to circumcision, has been continuously employed for over 70 years in various healthcare settings. Recognized for its standardized procedure, the Gomco Clamp is characterized by its distinctive clamping device, which is central to its technique.

How Gomco Clamp Works: This device consists of a bell-shaped instrument (cap), platform, hooking arm, and screw device. First, the foreskin is clamped by two hemostats, creating an opening down which an instrument is inserted to separate the skin from the glans. Then the skin is cut lengthwise to expose the glans (dorsal slit). It may require probing to break up skin adhesions. Then the bell or cap is placed over the glans, and the penis, foreskin, and covered glans are drawn through the hole in the platform. Turning the screw device forces the cap against the hole and squeezes the foreskin. A scalpel is then used to cut the foreskin around the base of the Gomco Clamp.

Consequences and Dangers: Watching the surgery on an infant is not for the squeamish. The Gomco Clamp has faced scrutiny regarding potential complications, such as issues related to the placement and removal of the clamp, causing too much skin to be removed from the shaft of the penis. As with all circumcisions, there is the danger of excessive bleeding and infection, and there is no question that it results in discomfort and potential trauma for an infant.

2) The Mogen Clamp

Designed by Rabbi Harry Bronstein in 1954, the Mogen clamp is the most commonly used by mohels for ceremonial circumcision.

How the Mogen Clamp Works: The Mogen Clamp is a surgical instrument with a flat, shield-like base and a hinged, circular blade. To perform a circumcision using this method, the operator first separates the foreskin from the penis glans in the same way that preceded the Gomco Clamp method. The Mogen Clamp is then placed over the glans, with the foreskin securely held between the blade and the base. Once in position, the clamp is closed, severing the foreskin that extends beyond its edge.

Consequences and Dangers: This technique and device are considerably quicker than the Gomco Clamp procedure, although still traumatic and painful for the baby, even with an anesthetic. Many medical professionals and advocacy groups have voiced concerns about the potential for uneven cuts and inadequate removal of the foreskin, which may result in complications such as skin bridges and the need for corrective surgery.

3) The Plastibell Method

Introduced in the 1950s, the Plastibell Method is recognized by its distinctive plastic ring device that adheres to the penis until falling off in 10 to 14 days.

How the Plastibell Method Works: The Plastibell Method involves using a specially designed plastic ring with a groove running around its circumference. As with the Gomco and Mogen Clamp techniques, the foreskin is first clamped and cut. The Plastibell ring is then inserted over the glans and foreskin, with the foreskin protruding through the ring’s groove. A ligature or string is tied around the groove, compressing the foreskin and causing it to lose blood circulation, with the tissue withering away, exposing the glans.

Consequences and Dangers: Although this technique does not require the removal of the foreskin by surgery, there are still complications, and it is visibly uncomfortable. The most common complication is delayed separation of the ring, followed by bleeding, excess mucosa, infection, disposition, and hematoma.

One baby after another was circumcised, and parents didn’t have a clue about what their babies were experiencing during the procedure. I began providing accurate information so that when parents signed a consent form, they were truly informed. Due to my sharing what I was learning, other nurses were doing this, each in their way.

First, I would ask what the mother knew: for example, I would say, “I have a consent form here for your baby’s circumcision, which you will need to sign. May I ask why you have decided to have your baby circumcised?”

The answers varied somewhat, but often it was, “Because it’s cleaner and healthier.”

If that were a mother’s response, I would ask, “Did you know that the American Academy of Pediatrics says that soap and water offer all the advantages of circumcision without the risks of surgery?”

“Circumcision is surgery?” the mother would invariably ask.

When I said it was, a mother often asked about anesthesia. I would tell the truth—babies were not anesthetized for circumcision. Even today, after the harmful effects of pain and trauma to the baby’s developing brain and body are well documented, about half of the babies in the United States still are circumcised without anesthesia.

Marilyn Milos, Please Don’t Cut the Baby!, 2023, Lucid House Publishing

Understanding the Risks of Male Circumcision: 4 Reasons Not to Circumcise

Understanding the Risks of Male Circumcision: 4 Reasons Not to Circumcise

Male circumcision, a surgery deeply rooted in cultural traditions, religious rites, and medical fallacies, is often performed without sufficient consideration or a science-based understanding of its profound effects. Under the surface of this routinely practiced medical procedure lies a tapestry of risks and ethical dilemmas, which has led to growing opposition against medically unnecessary circumcision.

In this article, we will explore aspects of circumcision that are often overshadowed by tradition and convention. Our goal is to illuminate why circumcision is increasingly perceived as a form of male genital mutilation, challenging long-held beliefs and practices. Join us as we present compelling reasons to reevaluate this pervasive procedure, advocate for informed choices, and preserve bodily integrity.

Reasons Not to Circumcise

1) Medical and Health Considerations

Lack of Medical Necessity

Understanding the lack of medical necessity is a compelling reason to reconsider circumcision. Contrary to popular belief, circumcision is not medically imperative. This elective surgery, often performed shortly after birth, does not address any urgent medical conditions in newborns.

“Parents who choose not to circumcise their children have reasons, including the fact that it’s not medically necessary.” — WebMD

The foreskin, which is removed during circumcision, is not a redundant or unnecessary part but rather serves several natural and protective functions. It contains a high density of nerve endings, contributing to sexual sensitivity and pleasure. Additionally, the foreskin plays a mechanical role during intercourse and acts as a natural barrier, safeguarding the glans from external irritants and infections.

Risk of Complications

The surgical nature of circumcision inherently carries risks and potential complications that are often downplayed or overlooked. Immediate surgical risks include pain, bleeding, and the possibility of infection at the operation site. Improper technique can also result in more severe issues, like penile damage, scarring, or an aesthetically undesirable outcome.

In addition to these immediate risks, circumcision has long-term health considerations. The removal of the foreskin may lead to decreased penile sensitivity, affecting sexual pleasure and function. This has significant implications for sexual health and overall quality of life. Furthermore, as with any surgical procedure, there is a risk of developing scar tissue, which can cause complications such as painful erections or the need for corrective surgery later in life.

The lack of medical necessity combined with the risks and potential complications associated with circumcision raises valid concerns about the practice. It underscores the importance of considering the natural functions and benefits of the foreskin and carefully weighing them against the dangers of an elective surgical procedure.

2) Psychological and Emotional Impact

Trauma and Post-surgical Pain

Circumcision is more than just a physical procedure; it carries profound psychological and emotional implications, particularly related to trauma and post-surgical pain. The immediate effects involve the infant’s exposure to pain and distress during and after the procedure. Contrary to common misconceptions, infants are highly sensitive to pain. The trauma of undergoing a surgical procedure in such a vulnerable state can result in long-lasting psychological effects. Research indicates that the intense pain experienced during circumcision may lead to heightened pain sensitivity and increased stress responses later in life.

The long-term psychological impact of circumcision is an area of growing concern. Evidence suggests that circumcision can give rise to feelings of loss, grief, and anger as individuals come to terms with the irreversible alteration of their bodies without consent. This sense of violation can contribute to a complex range of emotional issues, spanning from diminished self-esteem to difficulties in relationships.

Impact on Mental Health

The mental health implications of circumcision warrant our attention. For some men, the realization that they underwent an irreversible procedure without their consent can generate feelings of powerlessness and a violation of bodily autonomy. These emotions can manifest in various ways, including depression, anxiety, and issues related to body image and sexual identity. Personal accounts from circumcised men often reveal a profound sense of loss or incompleteness, significantly impacting their mental well-being.

“Studies of men who were circumcised in infancy have found that some men experienced symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, anger, and intimacy problems that were directly associated with feelings about their circumcision (Boyle, 2002; Goldman, 1999; Hammond, 1999).” — Psychology Today

Studies have started to explore the psychological effects of circumcision, revealing a correlation between non-consensual circumcision and an increased incidence of certain mental health conditions. The trauma of early-life surgery, compounded by societal taboos surrounding discussions about male genitalia and circumcision, leaves men without an outlet to express their feelings and seek support. This silence further exacerbates the psychological impact, leaving many to grapple with their experiences in isolation.

3) Ethical and Human Rights Considerations

Consent and Bodily Autonomy

At the core of the anti-circumcision perspective lies a crucial ethical debate: the issue of consent and bodily autonomy. Performing a permanent and irreversible procedure on infants who are unable to provide consent raises significant ethical concerns. Infants are subjected to a decision that permanently alters their bodies without the ability to comprehend or agree to the procedure. This practice is increasingly being questioned regarding respecting an individual’s right to bodily integrity and personal choice. The ethical dilemma becomes even more complex when considering that circumcision is typically unnecessary from a medical standpoint and could be reasonably postponed until the individual is capable of making an informed decision for themselves.

Cultural and Societal Pressures

Circumcision is intricately woven into various cultural and religious customs, making it a topic of sensitivity. In many societies, it is regarded as a rite of passage, a religious duty, or a tradition upheld for generations. However, the real challenge arises when these cultural and societal pressures overshadow individual rights and freedoms. The pressure to conform to social norms can perpetuate a practice that might otherwise be reconsidered or rejected based on personal beliefs, ethics, or health considerations.

This delicate balance between cultural practices and the growing recognition of individual rights presents a complex landscape. It necessitates a nuanced understanding that respects cultural traditions and advocates for the fundamental rights of individuals, particularly minors, to bodily autonomy and informed consent. Consequently, the movement opposing circumcision challenges individual families and practitioners and seeks to transform deeply ingrained societal perceptions and practices.

4) Sexual Health and Function

Impact on Sexual Experience

One of the most significant concerns surrounding circumcision is its impact on sexual health, particularly regarding sensitivity and pleasure. The foreskin is a highly sensitive part of the male genitalia, rich in nerve endings, and plays a crucial role in sexual sensation. When circumcision removes this part of the skin, it can potentially lead to a decrease in sensitivity.

For some men, this reduction in sensitivity may result in diminished sexual pleasure or an altered sexual experience. Personal testimonies from circumcised men often highlight these changes, and research findings support the notion that circumcision can fundamentally alter the sexual experience. Studies indicate that the removal of the foreskin can cause a thickening of the skin and a decrease in the fine-touch sensitivity of the glans.

Relationship and Intimacy Concerns

Circumcision has implications that extend to intimate relationships. Changes in sensitivity and potential alterations in sexual function can impact the dynamics of these relationships. Some circumcised men report difficulties in achieving the same level of sexual satisfaction, which can affect their intimate connections. Additionally, there are widespread misconceptions about circumcision’s role in hygiene and STD prevention. While proponents often argue for improved hygiene and a reduced risk of certain infections as benefits of circumcision, these claims are increasingly contested. Comprehensive sexual education and proper hygiene practices can effectively address these concerns without the need for a surgical procedure. It is crucial to address these misconceptions to make informed decisions about circumcision and understand its potential impact on sexual health and relationships.

Alternatives to Circumcision

Non-Surgical Interventions

When discussing circumcision, it is essential to emphasize the existence of viable and less invasive alternatives, particularly for addressing perceived medical issues. One common argument for circumcision is the prevention of urinary tract infections (UTIs) and hygiene-related concerns. However, these issues can often be effectively managed through proper hygiene practices, eliminating the necessity for surgery.

Providing education to parents and caregivers on the appropriate care of the intact penis can significantly reduce the risk of infections and other complications. In cases where specific medical conditions, such as phimosis, are a concern, less-invasive treatments like topical steroid creams or gentle stretching exercises can often serve as effective solutions, eliminating the need for circumcision.

Education and Awareness

Education and awareness play a crucial role in moving away from routine circumcision. Informed decision-making by parents is vital. They should have access to unbiased and comprehensive information regarding the risks of circumcision as well as its potential impact on their child’s health and well-being. This knowledge empowers parents to make choices that align with their values and their child’s best interests, rather than being driven solely by cultural norms or medical traditions.

Equally important is the provision of resources for further information and support. This can include educational materials from pediatricians, access to online resources and support groups, and guidance from healthcare professionals who can offer balanced perspectives. By increasing awareness and knowledge, parents can make more informed decisions that factor in the full range of implications associated with circumcision.

Join the movement with Intact America! Discover the vital conversation around genital autonomy by diving into our insightful reads, “This Penis Business” and “Please Don’t Cut the Baby.” Get informed, get involved, and help make a difference. Click here to learn more and become a part of the change!

Regret Moms: The Grief from Deciding to Circumcise Your Son

Regret Moms: The Grief from Deciding to Circumcise Your Son

Circumcision has long been debated. However, amidst this ongoing discourse, a group that is rarely discussed is the “Regret Moms,” mothers who grapple with profound grief and guilt after choosing to circumcise their sons. This article aims to shed light on their emotional journey, exploring these women’s experiences and challenges. Through their narratives, we are prompted to reflect on the broader implications for society and culture and to raise important questions about informed consent, bodily autonomy, and the need for open dialogue on this sensitive topic. Join us as we look into these thought-provoking stories, raise awareness, foster understanding, and look to end male circumcision.

The Decision to Circumcise

“One tactic to perpetuate circumcision is to scare nervous new parents into having their infants, who are vulnerable and too young to resist, circumcised. The solicitation of the procedure by doctors and hospitals is ubiquitous across the USA.” — Yale Law School

For many mothers, the decision to undergo circumcision is often rooted in long-standing family or religious traditions that have been passed down through generations. Others may seek guidance from medical professionals, considering potential health benefits or cultural norms prevalent in their society. These personal narratives from diverse mothers shed light on their unique journeys, emphasizing the significance and weight of this decision. It is important to acknowledge that, despite careful consideration, there is typically a lack of comprehensive information and understanding regarding the full implications of the procedure. To make an informed decision, gathering as much knowledge as possible and engaging in open and transparent discussions with healthcare professionals and trusted sources is crucial. By doing so, we can empower ourselves and advocate for informed choices.

It’s important to operate assuming that most mothers want what is best for their sons; however, the facts are often deliberately concealed. 

Did you know:

  • The circumcision procedure can lead to scarring around the surgical site, which may be aesthetically displeasing to some individuals.      
  • Some individuals may experience psychological distress or negative feelings related to their circumcision experience.     
  • Complications such as skin bridges or excess skin removal (we argue that any skin removal is excessive and is an assault on the individual and the natural penis) can occur during the so-called healing process.   

The Aftermath of the Circumcision Decision

The decision to circumcise a child can have profound long-term consequences for both the child and the mother. During this critical period, infants endure physical discomfort and distress, including pain, swelling, and bleeding, which can be unsettling for both the baby and the mother. Additionally, the emotional toll on the mother, encompassing feelings of guilt, anxiety, and sadness, cannot be underestimated. The mother may face challenges in tending to the wound and ensuring proper healing, further complicating the situation. Moreover, complications or unforeseen outcomes, such as infections or scarring, can intensify the mother’s regret and unease. 

“Since I became involved in the movement to stop the genital cutting of baby boys, I have heard many maternal remorse and child anger stories. Mothers have called into radio programs where I was a guest, sobbing from grief and regret about having allowed their baby to be circumcised; some of these have been the mothers of toddlers, but many are recounting stories from 15, 20 or even 40 years earlier. For every one of these mothers, there is a son – a boy or man living with the consequences of a decision he did not make but that is imprinted on his body and in his brain forever. And I have talked to hundreds, maybe even thousands, of such sons.” — Georganne Chapin, Voices Column

Marilyn Milos, the “mother of the intact movement,” has said that of all the questions she has been asked about circumcision, the most difficult one to answer is how to heal from making the decision to circumcise a son and later regretting it.

“Mothers consent to circumcision out of the best intentions and the worst kind of ignorance. Circumcision is a cultural practice; most doctors do not provide adequate information to give informed consent, and no one talks about it, so we don’t even know enough to ask the right questions. When we find out what happened to our precious baby behind closed doors, most mothers feel deep regret and profound sorrow.”

Emotional Trauma and Grief of Regret Moms

The emotional trauma a mother can endure after her son is circumcised often stems from the intricate interplay of societal pressures, cultural norms, and personal beliefs that pressured her into making that decision. 

Feelings of regret and loss experienced by these mothers are common. They may grapple with deep sadness, mourning the loss of their child’s intact body. Furthermore, their immediate surroundings’ lack of support and understanding can intensify these emotions, leaving them isolated and alone. 

Educating themselves and others about circumcision has become a crucial aspect of the healing journey for many regret moms. By equipping themselves with knowledge, these mothers can make more informed decisions in the future and advocate for their choices with confidence. This newfound understanding empowers them to challenge societal norms and promote a more inclusive and compassionate approach to circumcision.

Ultimately, this journey of coping and understanding can be a pivotal step in processing their emotions and finding a path to healing and acceptance. It is a testament to the resilience and strength of these mothers as they navigate the complex terrain of parenthood, guided by their unwavering love for their children and their commitment to making choices that align with their values and beliefs.

Finding Support and Healing as A Regret Mom

From an anti-circumcision standpoint, discovering support and healing is a vital and transformative step for Regret Moms. These incredibly brave mothers navigate a complex emotional journey and yearn for understanding and solace. Fortunately, numerous resources and support systems are available to assist them on their path toward healing.

Dedicated online forums provide a secure and empathetic space for ‘Regret Moms’ to share their stories, connect with others who have undergone similar situations, and receive invaluable emotional support. These forums create a sense of belonging and serve as a collective healing and empowerment platform.

In addition to online forums, support groups offer a more intimate setting where ‘Regret Moms’ can engage in face-to-face discussions and connect on a deeper level. These groups allow mothers to express their emotions freely, seek guidance from experienced individuals, and find solace in knowing they are not alone.

Counseling services specializing in post-circumcision, regret, and grief play a pivotal role in healing. These professionals offer personalized guidance and therapeutic interventions to help Regret Moms process their emotions, work through their grief, and find a path toward acceptance and healing. By providing a compassionate and nonjudgmental environment, these counselors empower mothers to embrace their experiences and embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery.

Ultimately, the power of community cannot be underestimated in the healing process. Online forums and social media groups dedicated to Regret Moms offer a supportive network where mothers can share their experiences, find validation, and receive emotional support from individuals who truly understand their struggles. These communities become a source of strength and resilience, enabling Regret Moms to navigate their emotions, find acceptance, and embark on a journey toward healing.

Raising Awareness and Advocacy

To spread the anti-circumcision perspective, raising awareness and advocating for educating parents about the potential implications of circumcision are vital. Activists and organizations are deeply committed to sharing comprehensive information highlighting the procedure’s physical and psychological impacts.

There is an increasing demand for healthcare providers to offer transparent and comprehensive counseling sessions, equipping parents with the necessary knowledge to make truly informed decisions.

Moreover, ‘Regret Moms’ voices resonate strongly as they share their experiences with new or expecting parents, providing invaluable firsthand insights and guidance. These collective efforts aim to foster a more informed understanding of circumcision and its potential consequences, ultimately empowering parents to make thoughtful choices for their children’s well-being.

As Milos says, “We can’t take back our grievous mistake, but we can do everything in our power to protect our sons in the future. We can apologize to our sons and end the wounding in our families. When parents become informed, they will spare future sons from the pain and trauma of circumcision. Tell your story to anyone and everyone who will listen.

Severed Intimacy: Navigating Circumcision Trauma in The Bedroom

Severed Intimacy: Navigating Circumcision Trauma in The Bedroom

Circumcision trauma is a deeply personal and often unspoken aspect of many individuals’ lives, impacting their relationship with their bodies and their ability to navigate the delicate dance of intimacy. What deepens the trauma of circumcision is that many individuals who suffer from it are not even consciously aware of or educated about how it may have affected them. As a life-altering surgery, it has been normalized to the extent that most victims of it never question why it was done in the first place. The circumcision was done so early in their lives (without their consent) that living without a foreskin is all they have known. 

It is essential to foster discussions on informed consent and ethical considerations surrounding this procedure and push to end this medically unnecessary surgery altogether. 

This article is a compassionate exploration of circumcision trauma, unraveling its impact on adult sexuality and guiding those seeking to heal and reconnect within the realm of intimacy.

Understanding Circumcision Trauma

What is circumcision trauma?

Circumcision trauma refers to the emotional, physical, and psychological distress experienced by specific individuals following circumcision, a surgery involving the removal of the foreskin from the penis. Circumcision trauma symptoms may manifest during childhood or later in life, arising from the circumcised individual’s loss of a natural part of their body or the circumstances surrounding the circumcision. 

Georganne Chapin points out in her book This Penis Business, in a chapter aptly titled “What’s Sex Got to Do With It?” something so obvious, how could anyone miss this vital result of medically unnecessary circumcision? 

“How could cutting off a sexual body part not affect the mechanics and quality of the victim’s sex life, sexual relationships, and psyche?” 

This Penis Business, by Georganne Chapin

Marilyn Milos likewise notes in her book Please Don’t Cut the Baby! that:

“Babies have erections naturally in utero. After birth, when someone else stimulates the baby’s penis to erection, as the nurse [would do as] prep for the circumcision, it is the baby’s first shared sexual experience. Sadly, in the case of circumcision, the pleasurable sensations are immediately followed by excruciating pain. Every sexual experience a circumcised male has from that moment forward is on a neuronal background of pain. Even when a man doesn’t consciously remember the experience, his body remembers.”

Please Don't Cut the Baby, by Marilyn Milos

Prevalence and recognition of circumcision trauma

The issue of circumcision trauma has gained significant recognition in recent years, bringing attention to the emotional struggles faced by individuals who have undergone this procedure. By shedding light on this topic, we aim to raise awareness and advocate for those affected by circumcision trauma. 

“An article in The Journal of Health Psychology notes that studies have linked circumcision with a range of negative emotions and even post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), with some circumcised men describing their current feelings in the language of violation, torture, mutilation, and sexual assault.” — SageJournals 

Research published in 2020 on Heliyon studied a sample of over 600 men to examine how the plasticity of the neonatal central and peripheral nerve systems and receptors can cause the pain of circumcision to have long-term consequences for adult behavior.   

Both Chapin and Milos report that several men have given anecdotal evidence of recovered memories, through hypnotherapy or psychotherapy, of their circumcisions as infants that have led to a complete understanding of their emotional, psychological, and physical issues, especially in their interactions with a sexual partner.

Psychological and emotional effects of circumcision trauma

Those who have endured this trauma may grapple with a range of powerful emotions, including grief, anger, and a sense of betrayal. Body image issues and a profound sense of violation can also emerge, as the procedure involves the removal of a part of their body without consent. 

“A study from the National Institutes of Health found that without appropriate pain management, 20-60% of circumcised neonates exhibited prolonged, vigorous crying and increased heart rate during and after the procedure.”

These emotional wounds can persist into adulthood, affecting self-esteem, relationships, and sexual well-being. Recognizing the depth and complexity of circumcision trauma is crucial to providing the necessary support and guidance for healing and reclaiming a sense of wholeness in the intimate aspects of life. 

Navigating Circumcision Trauma in Intimate Relationships

Communicating with your partner about circumcision trauma

Effective communication serves as the fundamental pillar of any healthy and fulfilling intimate relationship, especially when it comes to addressing circumcision trauma. It is of utmost importance for individuals who have experienced circumcision trauma to openly communicate their feelings, fears, and concerns with their partners. Sharing their experiences and emotions lets deep understanding, empathy, and emotional closeness develop between partners. Creating a safe and non-judgmental space for such conversations is crucial, as it allows both partners to feel supported and secure. This enables the circumcised individual to express their needs and boundaries while providing an opportunity for their partner to offer empathy and validation, which play a vital role in the healing process. 

Seeking support and therapy for healing

Healing from circumcision trauma often necessitates the invaluable guidance and support of professionals. Those who have endured trauma associated with circumcision can significantly benefit from seeking therapy or counseling. A skilled therapist can assist them in exploring and processing their emotions, developing effective coping strategies, and addressing any enduring psychological distress. Couples therapy can also be valuable, fostering open and productive discussions, strengthening emotional bonds, and navigating intimacy challenges together. 

It’s essential to seek out resources like books, workshops, or support groups dedicated to sexual wellness and healing from trauma. These valuable tools can guide us in reclaiming a positive and fulfilling intimate life. With the proper support and a commitment to self-care, we can gradually restore our sense of wholeness and experience the joys of intimacy on our terms.

Intimacy and Sensuality Exercises

Exercises for fostering trust and emotional connection

Intimate exercises that prioritize emotional bonding can encompass a range of activities, such as engaging in guided meditation or practicing mindfulness together. These practices deepen the connection between partners, creating a safe and nurturing space where vulnerabilities can be shared, and emotional support can be provided. Additionally, open and empathetic conversations centered around desires, boundaries, and concerns can fortify the emotional bond between partners, enabling them to navigate the unique challenges posed by circumcision trauma together.

For example, try some of the following exercises to develop intimacy and build trust in the bedroom and your partnership:

  • Eye Gazing: Spend several minutes sitting across from each other and looking deeply into each other’s eyes without speaking. This can create a profound connection without the need for words.
  • Synchronized Breathing: Sit or lie down facing each other and synchronize your breathing. One person leads, and the other follows, then switches roles. This can enhance mutual attunement and connection.
  • Gratitude Sharing: Take turns expressing what you’re grateful for about each other. This could involve physical aspects, emotional support, or little things they do that make you happy. 
  • Non-Sexual Touch: Engage in non-sexual touch, like cuddling, holding hands, or hugging, without progressing to sexual activities. Focus on the comfort, warmth, and safety created by the touch.
  • Vulnerability Exercise: Share a fear, hope, or dream you’ve never shared. Creating a safe space for such disclosures enhances emotional intimacy.

Techniques for increasing pleasure and reducing anxiety

Circumcision trauma can have a profound impact on intimate experiences, often causing anxiety and unease. However, there are ways for couples to counteract these challenges and cultivate a more pleasurable and relaxed connection. By embracing mindfulness practices that emphasize being present in the moment, both partners can fully engage in the sensual journey without any distractions. Additionally, exploring relaxation techniques like deep breathing and progressive muscle relaxation can alleviate anxiety and enhance comfort, leading to more fulfilling intimate moments. 

To increase pleasure and reduce anxiety, try:

  • Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR): Before engaging in intimate activities, take a few minutes to tense and then relax each muscle group, starting from your toes and moving up to your head. This helps in releasing tension and grounding yourself.
  • Mindful Breathing: Focus on your breath. Breathe deeply and slowly, concentrating on each inhalation and exhalation. This calms the nervous system and keeps you present.
  • Positive Affirmation Exchange: Share positive affirmations or compliments. Hearing affirming words can boost self-confidence and reduce self-consciousness.
  • Guided Imagery: Together, envision a place where you both feel most relaxed and happy. This shared imagery can create a relaxed atmosphere in the bedroom.
  • Mirror Exercise: Stand in front of a mirror and appreciate each other’s bodies. This can help in fostering body positivity and reducing body image-related anxieties.

Enhancing intimacy through touch and communication

Touch and communication are at the heart of intimacy, and for those recovering from circumcision trauma, they can be powerful tools for reconnecting. Intimate exercises that prioritize touch, such as sensual massages or cuddling, can help partners rediscover the physical and emotional closeness the trauma might have impacted. 

A Final Note About Circumcision Trauma in The Bedroom

We wholeheartedly urge individuals who have gone through circumcision trauma to seek support and therapy. Recognize that professional guidance plays a vital role in the journey towards healing and recovery.

As we wrap up this exploration, we extend an unwavering message of encouragement and hope. To those who have endured the weight of circumcision trauma, we want you to know that healing is achievable. It is crucial to find the support and resources that resonate with you. Remember, you are not alone on this transformative journey. By embracing open communication, empathy, and self-care, individuals and their partners can create an environment where healing and intimacy coexist harmoniously.

For those seeking further guidance, resources, or support in addressing circumcision trauma, we highly recommend connecting with organizations like Intact America. They are dedicated to advocating for genital integrity and can provide invaluable information and assistance on this deeply personal journey toward healing and empowerment. Together, we can strive towards a world where everyone’s intimate experiences are characterized by wholeness, understanding, and respect.

Voices — Kay Zugar

There’s a piece of my body missing. That’s a big deal.

You wouldn’t have known this growing up in my family. Circumcision was a laughable topic and only regarded as a joke; never in a serious tone, and certainly never condescended upon. Like if we were having hotdogs for dinner, the crude comments would inevitably come up. My older relatives thought it was very funny for some reason, and I could not understand. My mom might wrinkle her nose and softly say something like “That’s nasty.”

Through gritted teeth, I tried not hearing the words—blocking them out as a chilling cocktail of disgust, horror and disbelief coursed through the back of my head and down my spine, seeking refuge from the words that the Grown Ups were saying. How could they not see that this is wrong?

I was circumcised as an infant in a routine hospital procedure. If they had done the right thing and left me alone when I was a baby, I certainly believe I would be a better version of myself than how I actually ended up. Things like trimming my nails bother me to this day; my best friend who trims and styles my long, golden hair probably doesn’t know why I wince at the metallic sound of her scissors.

When I was young, I had a recurring traumatic dream. It’s like I’m watching the scene from above. I’m a baby and something disturbing, something painful is happening to my body “down there,” and I don’t know what it is. I see a blue cloth and a lot of blood. I see me being passed around by family members, presumably at a table, in a room in a house. I’m swaddled up in a blanket and I’m screaming my lungs out and they are saying to each other, he’s just cranky. The same things always happened in the dream.

I don’t know what this means. I find it hard to believe I can remember something that’s impossible to remember, but having that dream over and over when I was little seems significant. I do know the dreams stopped after I figured out what had happened to me.

I didn’t know what circumcision was until I was 13 or 14, when I saw the word in the Bible that my parents had given me. I looked it up in the dictionary because I’ve always been bookish. I told my parents, “Please not to do this to me,” and their answer was something like, “Well, don’t worry, we already did,” followed by a blind parroting of the same shallow arguments of hygiene and tradition that my frantic and terrified reading through medical almanacs and Bible footnotes had yielded. Dad got angry shortly after he realized I wouldn’t back down. Mom sat in front of the computer searching for a web page that would prove her right with little original thought on her part.

I have my own theories about why my family always joked about it and got defensive when I objected. Everybody deals with pain in their own way. For me, the pain of circumcision and then being ridiculed in my own family for speaking up has shaped my life in profound ways. I’m 30 now. For years I had pickled my thoughts and feelings with alcohol and drugs (mostly alcohol) so I didn’t have to think about that part of my body. If that thing hadn’t happened to me, hadn’t been done to me, I might have been able to stay away from it.

I sought out therapists and told them my struggles stem from circumcision trauma, and they just wrote it off. “Deep down, you’re hurt by something else,” “You can’t be that upset about a piece of skin,” “Don’t you understand they just wanted to help you?” Always being met with resistance by people you trust, starting with your parents and just going forward—that does something to you. It makes you doubt yourself. How could I be wrong for wanting to keep my body the way it was designed? How does someone inflict such harm and horror on their child, and claim it to be an act of love?

Luckily, I’m surrounded by so many friends who are also against cutting baby boys. We’re a very close-knit group. I don’t talk about my feelings or experiences with most of them, but we have a mutual understanding that circumcision is wrong. I was happy when a friend who recently had a baby boy kept him intact.

I want that for every boy. No one should grow up thinking that they’re somebody’s property, or that their wishes for their body don’t matter. Think about it: If boys don’t understand that, when they start dating, they’re not going to understand consent, and a lot of bad is going to happen out of that. Teaching our boys consent starts with protecting their rights to their body.

In our family, I was told there was something wrong with me for wanting to be left whole and being outspoken about it. I was supposed to stay in line and be OK with being cut. But harm is harm, no matter what twisted motivation is used to justify it. People need to remember that whatever they do to a child, they’re not the one who has to live with that. The child is, and they’re going to be an adult one day…still having to live with someone else’s decision.

Kay Zugar

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